Friday, February 28, 2025

Character Sheet: The Geodude Line


Next up, we have our first major Rock types in the series, Geodude, Graveler, and Golem, all based on boulders but with extra limbs and such. They are notable for being Brock's starter line in the game and anime, and they gain a magnetic regional variant in Alola.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Rock Throw > Rock Blast (II)

Side B: Rollout > Bulldoze (III)

Up B: Smack Down > Earthquake (III)

Down B: Defense Curl > Self Destruct (II)

Final Smash: Avalanche

Entrance: Poke Ball.

Taunts: Rolling around, punching in the air, and so on.

Kirby Hat: Their rocky skin.

Kart: The Poke Ball car

Special Move: Rollout

Spirit Battle: On Mt. Moon

Victory Screen: Throwing rocks in the air and pounding the ground.

Losing Screen: Fainted.

Color Swaps: Main, shiny, other general colors.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Ponyta dashes into first place!

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Character Sheet: The Tentacool Line


Next, we have Tentacool and Tentacruel, Pokemon based on jellyfish with a little bit of the Kraken thrown in there for good measure. They are known within fandom circles as the Zubats of the sea, having a reputation for showing up in water areas about as often as Zubats do in caves.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Water Gun

Side B: Poison Sting > Poison Jab

Up B: Wrap

Down B: Supersonic > Sludge Wave

Final Smash: Giant Tentacruel

Entrance: Poke Ball.

Taunts: Bobbing upward like a jellyfish, wiggling the tentacles, so on.

Kirby Hat: Their heads as hats with tentacles hanging down.

Kart: The Poke Ball car

Special Move: Wrap

Spirit Battle: On S.S. Anne

Victory Screen: Playing around in the water.

Losing Screen: Fainted.

Color Swaps: Main, shiny, other general colors.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Geodude rocks the stage!

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Character Sheet: The Bellsprout Line


Next up, we've got the Bellsprout line, mostly based on pitcher plants, which have bowl-like flowers full of sap that draws in insects, traps them, and then slowly digests them. Pokemon sure does love to teach you about the most messed-up stuff in nature, doesn't it? They've never had anything added, or any regional variants or anything, so it's just them.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Vine Whip > Power Whip (III)

Side B: Wrap > Razor Leaf (II)

Up B: Growth > Leaf Storm (III)

Down B: Acid > Gastro Acid (II)

Final Smash: Giant Trap

Entrance: Poke Ball.

Taunts: Dancing around, snapping at prey, etc.

Kirby Hat: Their heads as onesies.

Kart: The Poke Ball car

Special Move: Acid

Spirit Battle: On Pokemon Island

Victory Screen: Eating their opponent like it used to eat James.

Losing Screen: Fainted.

Color Swaps: Main, shiny, other general colors.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Tentacool surfaces from the deep.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Character Sheet: The Machop Line


Next up, we have another line of fighters, the Machop line, based mostly on bodybuilders, though there does seem to be some kind of dinosaur in there? Dilophosaurus, maybe? As well as four-armed muscly characters like Goro and Four-Arms. They are who I always think of first when it comes to the Fighting type.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Dual Chop > Dynamic Punch (II) > Mach Punch (III)

Side B: Vital Throw > Cross Chop (III)

Up B: Focus Energy > Seismic Toss (II)

Down B: Low Sweep

Final Smash: Close Combat > Gigantamax Machamp (III)

Entrance: Poke Ball.

Taunts: A lot of posing and weightlifting and such.

Kirby Hat: The head frill things.

Kart: The Poke Ball car

Special Move: Seismic Toss

Spirit Battle: On Pokemon Stadium

Victory Screen: Holding up the championship belt and boasting of its prowess.

Losing Screen: Fainted.

Color Swaps: Main, shiny, other general colors.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Bellsprout lies in wait!

Monday, February 24, 2025

Character Sheet: The Abra Line


Technically for this round, I'm only covering Kadabra and Alakazam, as their base form Abra can only learn Teleport naturally. Now, it is more receptive to learning TMs than the caterpillars and cocoons were, but I'm going to stick to my guns on this one. Abra will be an assist trophy, and it will do as it currently does in Smash Ultimate. As for its evolutions, Kadabra and Alakazam are both based on the general ideas and trappings of "wise mystics" like you'd see in a movie, just slapped onto a wierd kangaroo/cat thing. I guess it's supposed to be generally generic.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Psybeam > Psychic

Side B: Confusion

Up B: Teleport

Down B: Disable > Future Sight

Final Smash: Psyshock > Mega Alakazam

Entrance: Poke Ball.

Taunts: Meditating, waving its arms around, bending its spoons, that sort of thing.

Kirby Hat: The bony points and the mustaches.

Kart: The Poke Ball car

Special Move: Teleport

Spirit Battle: On Saffron City

Victory Screen: Meditating and teleporting away.

Losing Screen: Fainted.

Color Swaps: Main, shiny, other general colors.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Machop takes the championship belt!

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Character Sheet: The Poliwag Line


Next up, we cover Poliwag, Poliwhirl, and Poliwrath, a line of frog with swirls on their bellies. They also gain fighting, probably because Poliwrath has built up a lot of bulk from swimming. In Gen II, they gain an alternate evolution in Politoed who looks nothing like them and more like a generic Kermit-style frog.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Bubble Beam > Water Gun (II) > Hydro Pump (III)

Side B: Mud Shot > Dynamic Punch (III)

Up B: Rain Dance > Body Slam (II)

Down B: Hypnosis

Final Smash: Ultra Hypnosis

Entrance: Poke Ball.

Taunts: A lot of hopping around, croaking, and drumming its belly.

Kirby Hat: The belly swirl.

Kart: The Poke Ball car

Special Move: Hypnosis

Spirit Battle: On S.S. Anne

Victory Screen: Sitting on lily pads and croaking.

Losing Screen: Fainted.

Color Swaps: Main, shiny, other general colors.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Abra teleported out, so Kadabra takes its place.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Character Sheet: The Growlithe Line


Next up, we have Growlithe and Arcanine, based on fu dogs AKA those lion statue things that sit outside of Chinese restaurants, except the dog version. In Legends: Arceus, they gained a Hisuian variant more specifically based on the statues themselves, gaining a Rock type. We'll only be covering the first two today.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Ember > Flamethrower

Side B: Bite >  Fire Fang

Up B: Flame Wheel

Down B: Retaliate

Final Smash: Flare Blitz

Entrance: Poke Ball.

Taunts: A lot of dog-based cute actions, and maybe the statue pose.

Kirby Hat: Their furry manes

Kart: The Poke Ball car

Special Move: Flame Wheel

Spirit Battle: On Pikachu's Bedroom

Victory Screen: Getting pet by trainers and enjoying it.

Losing Screen: Fainted.

Color Swaps: Main, shiny, other general colors.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Poliwag takes it for a whirl.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Character Sheet: The Mankey Line


Next up, we have our first ever Fighting types, Mankey and Primeape. They are based on monkeys, mostly indeterminate species, who are just extremely angry all the time. In Gen IX, they gained one more evolution, Annihilape, where they got so angry they straight up died, and then their vengeful spirit lingered on. The single best added evolution there could possibly be, but we'll only be covering Mankey and Primeape today.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Fury Swipes > Focus Punch

Side B: Cross Chop

Up B: Seismic Toss

Down B: Low Kick > Outrage

Final Smash: Spirit of Fury

Entrance: Poke Ball.

Taunts: A whole lot of jumping around and throwing a tantrum.

Kirby Hat: The hair and ears.

Kart: The Poke Ball car

Special Move: Outrage

Spirit Battle: On Pokemon Stadium

Victory Screen: Pounding the ground and looking around for someone else to fight.

Losing Screen: Fainted.

Color Swaps: Main, shiny, other general colors.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Growlithe is going to make this legendary.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Character Sheet: The Psyduck Line


Here's another Pokemon made famous for its role in the anime. Psyduck is a duck constantly clutching its head from its perpetual migraine. Golduck meanwhile has transformed into a kappa (I guess headaches will do that to ducks?) and is one of the fastest swimmers in the game. Neither are Psychic for some reason, despite it being literally in the name.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Water Gun > Hydro Pump

Side B: Confusion > Amnesia

Up B: Tail Whip > Aqua Tail

Down B: Disable

Final Smash: Psychic Explosion

Entrance: Poke Ball.

Taunts: "Psy-yai-yai!" and other groans of pain. More cool poses for Golduck.

Kirby Hat: The hair and beak/The spikes and gem.

Kart: The Poke Ball car

Special Move: Confusion

Spirit Battle: On S.S. Anne

Victory Screen: Looking relieved with a hot water bottle on its head.

Losing Screen: Fainted.

Color Swaps: Main, shiny, other general colors.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Mankey gets angry!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Character Sheet: The Meowth Line


Next up, we have a Pokemon made famous by its inclusion in the anime, Meowth and its evolution Persian. Meowth is based on the lucky cat statues you'll see in China shops and such, while Persian is based on Siamese cats. They gained Dark-type regional variants in Alola, as well as a Steel-type variant for Meowth in Galar that evolved instead into Perrserker, based on Nordic vikings. We'll cover them later.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Pay Day

Side B: Scratch > Fury Swipes

Up B: Fake Out

Down B: Bite > Power Gem

Final Smash: Gigantamax Meowth > Hyper Beam

Entrance: Poke Ball.

Taunts: Licking its paw to wipe its face, saying "Meowth, that's right!" for Meowth, other cat things.

Kirby Hat: The ears and coin/gem.

Kart: Based on the Meowth balloon from the Anime

Special Move: Pay Day

Spirit Battle: On Saffron City (possibly with Jessie and James)

Victory Screen: Gold coins raining down from above.

Losing Screen: Fainted. (Or blasting off again)

Color Swaps: Main, shiny, other general colors.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Psyduck powers through the pain!

Monday, February 17, 2025

Character Sheet: The Diglett Line


And now for the ones I'm letting in, even though I'm sure they'll be a headache and a half for the theoretical programmers, unless Pokemon suddenly wants to shatter their almost thirty-year streak and actually show what they look like underneath. Either way, Diglett and Dugtrio are based on moles who are perpetually underground with only their heads sticking up Whack-a-Mole style. In Alola, they gained a variant with Pele's Hair attached to them, giving them Steel type. Then in Paldea, Pokemon introduced convergent evolution lines (unrelated species that just happen to look like other lines) based on garden eels, but I will be covering convergent lines entirely separately from their basis.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Bulldoze > Earth Power

Side B: Scratch > Slash

Up B: Sand Attack > Sandstorm

Gives a shield to obscure the body, maybe?

Down B: Dig

Final Smash: Earthquake

Entrance: Poke Ball.

Taunts: Moving up and down like a Whack-a-Mole, "Dig, Diglett Dig, Diglett Dig, Diglett Dig."

Kirby Hat: Kirby's head sticking out of the ground.

Kart: Burrowing quickly along the track.

Special Move: Dig

Spirit Battle: On Mt. Moon.

Victory Screen: Hundreds of them burrowing together.

Losing Screen: Fainted.

Color Swaps: Main, shiny, other general colors.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Meowth! That's right!

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Character Sheet: The Venonat Line


Venonat and Venomoth are two Bug-type Pokemon, based on a generic fuzzy cartoon bug and a moth. They are Poison type as well, because moths have dust on their wings or something. I'm not sure, but they do it multiple times with various moths, so it must be a thing. They've never had any add-ons throughout the generations. It's just been them.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Bug Bite > Leech Life

Side B: Supersonic > Psybeam

Up B: Bug Buzz > Air Slash

Down B: Poison Powder

Final Smash: Venomoth Swarm

Entrance: Poke Ball.

Taunts: Shaking around to release poison powder, flapping, so on.

Kirby Hat: The big bug eyes for Venonat, the wings for Venomoth.

Kart: The Poke Ball car.

Special Move: Poison Powder.

Spirit Battle: On Saffron City.

Victory Screen: Fluttering and taking off toward a light.

Losing Screen: Fainted.

Color Swaps: Main, shiny, other general colors.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Diglett tunnels into Smash.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Character Sheet: The Paras Line


Another one of my early favorites of Gen I, we have Paras and its evolution Parasect, based on generic cicadas or crabs of some kind, infected by mushrooms very heavily based on the cordyceps mushroom (the fungus that infects the brains of small insects and basically turns them into zombies i.e. the thing The Last of Us is based on). Paras is only infected, while Parasect has been fully zombified. Yikes. This is also another line that has yet to have any additions to it of any kind.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Spore

Side B: Fury Cutter > X-Scissor

Up B: Growth

Down B: Absorb > Giga Drain

Final Smash: Fungal Epidemic

Entrance: Poke Ball.

Taunts: Scratching at the ground, shaking around and spreading spores, so on.

Kirby Hat: The mushrooms.

Kart: The Poke Ball car.

Special Move: Spore.

Spirit Battle: On Pokemon Island.

Victory Screen: Climbing up to a high point and standing still in the sunlight.

Losing Screen: Fainted.

Color Swaps: Main, shiny, other general colors.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Venonat takes a bite.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Character Sheet: The Oddish Line


Next up, we have the Oddish line, including Oddish, Gloom, and Vileplume, with Bellossom added as an alternate final evolution in Gen II. They are mostly based on mandrakes, the little plants whose roots look like misshapen people when plucked and have a bunch of folklore around them, combined with the rafflesia plant, a plant notorious for its stench. This stench is probably the reason for its Poison typing a la Stunky. Bellossom also takes inspiration from a hula dancer, but we'll cover that later.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Absorb > Mega Drain (II) > Giga Drain (III)

Side B: Poison Powder > Moonblast (III)

Up B: Growth

Down B: Acid > Toxic (II)

Final Smash: Leaf Storm > Petal Blizzard (III)

Entrance: Poke Ball.

Taunts: Lots of hopping around and burying itself in the dirt.

Kirby Hat: The leaves and petals of each.

Kart: The Poke Ball car.

Special Move: Mega Drain

Spirit Battle: On Pokemon Island.

Victory Screen: Throwing bursts of petals into the air.

Losing Screen: Fainted.

Color Swaps: Main, shiny, other general colors.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Paras aims to be the last of us.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Character Sheet: The Zubat Line


Next up, we have Zubat and Golbat, mostly based on vampire bats and a lot of tropes generally associated with them, like real vampires and the whole "blind as a bat" thing. They are Poison and Flying, Poison mainly because the PSN status effect is the best equivalent to the effects of being bitten by a vampire in the game (at least that's my take). They have a further evolution, Crobat, in Gen II, but I'll cover that later.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Poison Fang >  Bite

Side B: Supersonic

Up B: Air Cutter

Down B: Absorb >  Leech Life

Final Smash: Zubat Swarm > Golbat Swarm

Entrance: Poke Ball.

Taunts: Flapping around, covering themselves in their wings, screeching, so on.

Kirby Hat: The ears and wings.

Kart: Just flying.

Special Move: Leech Life

Spirit Battle: A horde battle, on Mt. Moon.

Victory Screen: Clinging to a stalactite and going back to sleep.

Losing Screen: Fainted.

Color Swaps: Main, shiny, other general colors.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Oddish gets plucked.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Character Sheet: The Jigglypuff Line


Huh? What? Oh, I fell asleep. Need to write my blog. I . . . What the heck is on my face?!

Today we're covering the Jigglypuff line, which I can only describe as cute pink puffballs who like to inflate and sing to put people to sleep. While it started out with only Jigglypuff and Wigglytuff, they gained a baby Igglybuff in Gen II, and then a Paradox Pokemon Scream Tail in Gen IX (should I be counting Paradoxes in these? I don't know), but I'll be covering those later. They also started out as Normal, but then gained the Fairy type retroactively in Gen VI, similar to Clefairy.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Sing

I'm moving it up here, it always felt weird as the Up B.

Side B: Rest

Up B: Pound > Body Slam

I always thought Pound would be the one I got rid of, since it's just kind of a punch. Lo and behold, it's one of Jiggly's STAB moves, and I can't find anything about Rollout anywhere. I'm moving it here, because at least giving it some upward mobility will make it more than just a punch.

Down B: Defense Curl > Gyro Ball

Final Smash: Inflate

Entrance: Poke Ball.

Taunts: The famous singing bit, and the getting mad part, then maybe the deflation gag.

Kirby Hat: The head curl and ears.

Kart: Poke Ball car

Special Move: Sing

Spirit Battle: Pokemon Stadium

Victory Screen: Performing a big finish then finding everyone knocked out.

Losing Screen: Fainted.

Color Swaps: Main, shiny, other general colors or hats.

Thanks for reading! Next up, you encountered a wild Zubat. Again.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Character Sheet: The Vulpix Line


Next, we have one of my all-time personal favorites, Vulpix and Ninetales, based on the Japanese myth of the nine-tailed fox, Kitsune. The line is simply Fire type, despite seeming like they might have Psychic, Ghost, or Fairy, but they do get an Alolan variant that is Ice type and gains Fairy. The Alolan versions will be covered later.

Here's the movesets I came up with:

Standard B: Ember >  Flamethrower

Side B: Quick Attack > Flame Charge

Up B: Tail Whip > Fire Spin

Down B: Will O' Wisp

Final Smash: Fire Blast

Entrance: Poke Ball.

Taunts: Some running around and doing cute fox things, some mystical, mysterious stuff.

Kirby Hat: Their tails for both.

Kart: Poke Ball car

Special Move: Will O' Wisp

Spirit Battle: Mt. Moon

Victory Screen: Vulpix jumping around and playing, Ninetales' eyes burning before it vanishes.

Losing Screen: Fainted.

Color Swaps: Main, shiny, reference to the Alolan versions, other general colors.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Jigglypuff takes the stage.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Character Sheet: The Clefairy Line


Next up, we have Clefairy and Clefable, a line of small pink fairy creatures that live on Mt. Moon and supposedly came to Earth on an asteroid from the moon. They had a baby form in Cleffa come around in Gen II, and when Fairy type was created in Gen VI, the Clefairy line was the most obvious to retroactively switch from Normal type.

Here's the movesets I came up with:

Standard B: Metronome

Side B: Sweet Kiss > Meteor Mash

Up B: Sing

Down B: Defense Curl > Gravity

Final Smash: Moonblast

Entrance: Poke Ball.

Taunts: The dances they do around the asteroid is certainly one of them.

Kirby Hat: Their head curls and ears.

Kart: Poke Ball car

Special Move: Metronome

Spirit Battle: Mt. Moon (assuming that ends up being a stage. It is very high in my Kanto contenders right now)

Victory Screen: A bunch of them doing their little moon dance.

Losing Screen: Fainted.

Color Swaps: Main, shiny, other general colors.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Vulpix prepares for a new tale.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Character Sheet: The Nidoran Lines


I figure we might as well do these two together, seeing as . . . well, you get it. The Nidoran lines are something of a relic of the past, being an attempt at gender dimorphism before the Pokemon company figured out how to just build gender differences into the base Pokemon. They are based on rabbits who evolve into kaijus for some reason, and have poisonous barbs all over their bodies, also for some reason. There's a reference here I swear, but I have no idea what it is.

Here's the movesets I came up with:

Standard B: Poison Sting > Toxic Spikes (II) // Poison Sting > Horn Attack (II) > Megahorn (III)

Side B: Scratch > Superpower (III) // Fury Attack > Stomping Tantrum (III)

Up B: Tackle > Double Kick (II) // Tackle > Double Kick (II)

Down B: Tail Whip > Toxic (II) > Sludge Wave (III) // Focus Energy > Toxic (II)

Final Smash: Earth Power // Earth Power

Entrance: Poke Ball.

Taunts: Various cute things for the little ones, then maybe some roaring and stomping around for the big ones.

Kirby Hat: The top of their heads, with spikes.

Kart: Poke Ball car

Special Move: Poison Sting // Horn Attack

Spirit Battle: Definitely in a Safari Zone stage, if there is one.

Victory Screen: The big ones definitely roaring, could have some snuggling the opposite gender variants or something.

Losing Screen: Fainted.

Color Swaps: Main, shiny, reference to each other, other general colors.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Clefairy dances in the moonlight.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Character Sheet: The Sandshrew Line


Next up, we have Sandshrew and Sandslash, our first ever ground types, both of whom are based on pangolins and are known for burrowing in the sand. They also have Ice/Steel type variants in Alola, but we'll cover those later.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Scratch > Slash

Side B: Rollout

Up B: Rapid Spin > Sandstorm

Down B: Sand Attack > Dig

Final Smash: Earthquake

Entrance: Poke Ball.

Taunts: Possibly just a Defense Curl, scratching at the ground, and such.

Kirby Hat: The top of the head (with Sandslash's spikes on Sandslash's version)

Kart: Poke Ball car

Special Move: Sand Attack

Spirit Battle: On a deserty-themed stage. We'll see if one crops up.

Victory Screen: Finishing its burrow and snuggling into it.

Losing Screen: Fainted.

Color Swaps: Main, shiny, reference to the Alola versions, other general colors.

Thanks for reading! Next up, the Nidorans battle for love.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Character Sheet: The Pikachu Line


Next up, we have what's probably a pretty lesser known Pokemon line. You know, nobody really thinks about them that much. I think they've been largely forgotten to time. Lol. It's Pikachu and Raichu, the electric mice that won over everyone's hearts to the point that Pikachu's adorable little face is basically synonymous with the franchise as a whole. They do get a new baby form in Pichu in Gen II, and an Alolan variant of Raichu in Gen VII, but we'll cover them later.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Thunder Shock > Thunder Bolt

Side B: Iron Tail > Thunder Punch

I know Pikachu has Skull Bash in Smash, but I've always felt like Iron Tail was an iconic move for him, but maybe that's just an anime thing.

Up B: Quick Attack (or the Balloons he seems to use a lot)

Down B: Thunder

Final Smash: Volt Tackle OR Gigantamax Pikachu (for Pikachu only)

Entrance: Poke Ball.

Taunts: Pikachu's wave, Pikachu charging electricity, and Pikachu rolling over for a belly rub. I imagine Raichu would have similar.

Kirby Hat: The top of the head with ears and tail.

Kart: Poke Ball car

Special Move: Thunder

Spirit Battle: With Ash, on Pokemon Stadium.

Victory Screen: Pikachu cheering and waving at the camera.

Losing Screen: Fainted.

Color Swaps: Main, shiny, Ash's hat, maybe Libre or Detective (assuming they don't have their own moveset), so on.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Sandshrew digs down deep!

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Character Sheet: The Ekans Line


Next up, we have our first proper Poison type line, Ekans and Arbok. They are fittingly based on snakes, specifically rattlesnakes for Ekans and cobras for Arbok, and even their names are Snake and Kobra backwards. There's not much else to say on them really, except for their notability as part of Jessie's team within Team Rocket.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Bite

Side B: Poison Tail > Poison Jab

Up B: Wrap > Coil

Down B: Acid > Sludge Bomb

Final Smash: Snake Pit

Entrance: Poke Ball.

Taunts: Lots of coiling and hissing. Probably a Snake Charmer dance.

Kirby Hat: The top of the head.

Kart: Poke Ball car

Special Move: Wrap.

Spirit Battle: Something Team Rocket-related might be fun.

Victory Screen: They slither away with an opponent-sized bulge in their bellies.

Losing Screen: Fainted.

Color Swaps: Main, shiny, other general colors.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Pikachu, I choose you!

Monday, February 3, 2025

Character Sheet: The Spearow Line


Next up is Spearow and Fearow, the only instance I can think of of a "mean" counterpart to the regional bird line. At least, that's how I've always seen them anyway. Spearow is based mostly on a shrike, the bird known for impaling its prey and disemboweling them, while Fearow is more of a heron, which also stabs its prey with its beak. So, for these birds, the concept is basically "stab, stab, stab." This is also our first line that has yet to have anything new added to it. No new evolutions, no regional variants, no mega forms, no gigantamaxing. Just them.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Peck > Drill Peck

Side B: Fury Attack

Up B: Aerial Ace > Fly

Down B: Leer > Take Down

Final Smash: Spearow Swarm > Fearow Flock

Entrance: Poke Ball.

Taunts: Pecking, cleaning its wings, various bird things. No impaling a Rattata.

Kirby Hat: The wings, beak, and Fearow's crest.

Kart: Just flying.

Special Move: Drill Peck.

Spirit Battle: The forest-themed stage.

Victory Screen: They can fly away with some prey. Still no impaling allowed.

Losing Screen: Fainted.

Color Swaps: Main, shiny, other general colors.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Ekans strikes!

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Character Sheet: The Rattata Line


Next up, we have the Rattata line, Rattata and Raticate, the first of what I call the Regional Critters, the rodent and/or other generic mammal mostly of the normal type we typically see toward the start of most generations. Rattata and Raticate are mostly just basic rats, with some muskrat in Raticate, who act as pests in the Pokemon world. In Gen 7, they got new regional variants which gained the Dark type, alluding to them becoming more violent and vicious in Alola's cities. Those won't be covered here yet, but for regional forms, my basic concept is that evolutions will be treated as semi-clones, while regional forms will be full echoes.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Bite > Super Fang

Side B: Quick Attack

Up B: Tackle

Down B: Tail Whip > Sucker Punch

Final Smash: Rattata Swarm > Raticate Swarm

Entrance: Poke Ball.

Taunts: Various rat things, like the whole "wiping down the face" thing they do.

Kirby Hat: The ears and tail.

Kart: A Poke Ball car

Special Move: Tail Whip

Spirit Battle: Maybe Saffron City.

Victory Screen: They'll grab a hunk of cheese and take off with it.

Losing Screen: Fainted.

Color Swaps: Main, shiny, other general colors.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Spearow takes a stab at it.