Saturday, October 5, 2024

Star Fox (Nintendo Power)


First up, we have probably the most famous of the Star Fox comics, run in 1993 in the Nintendo Power comics. This comic is written as a sequel to the original SNES game, and as such, the characters and their portrayal isn't quite nailed home yet (Case in point: Peppy is very much portrayed as "one of the bros," often just riffing with Falco on random stuff happening in the plot). It follows the team, now acting as a band of Robin Hood-style rogues on the planet Papetoon before being called on by General Pepper because Andross has returned.

Our main team once again consists of Fox McCloud (Jr.), Falco Lombardi, Peppy Hare, and Slippy Toad, as well as a new addition to the team added early on: Fara Phoenix, the daughter of a rich space magnate and a skilled pilot in her own regard. She is sort of the "proto-Krystal," a fellow fox and love interest for Fox. There's also a creepy thing later on about her looking just like Fox's mom and Fox getting turned on by that, and then Andross getting turned on by it too. I . . . try not to think about that part too hard.

General Pepper plays a regular part in the comic, also being portrayed as a bit more dumpy and scatterbrained than later portrayals. James is portrayed as Fox McCloud Sr. in this version, and he's more trapped in another dimension than dead, which might be the case in the games, but it's unclear. Here and there we also have various Cornerian soldiers and citizens of Papetoon, including small cameos by Miyu and Fay toward the end.

Andross is our villain once again, as is a clone of Andross who did the work of resurrecting the original. They also have a pig robot named Herbert who follows them around and helps out. And Monarch Dodora appears as a boss.

As far as stages, Papetoon is an original planet that serves as the team's home base, plus the Cornerian base where most of the training and battles take place.

Here's what we've got so far:


Fara Phoenix: Same as the other Star Fox pilots' treatment, but with specific adjustments based on the comic.




Thanks for reading! Next up, we have a Star Fox 64-based comic!

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