Friday, March 6, 2020

Yoshi's Topsy-Turvy


Yoshi's Topsy-Turvy, or Universal Gravitation, or whatever the frick you want to call it, was basically a gimmick game for the Game Boy Advance that happened to feature Yoshi, and generally existed to show off the system's rotating mechanic.

Basically, the game starred Yoshi who had to work through a number of levels built around the gimmick, while being set challenges by a number of spirits. He basically acted as Yoshi, running, jumping, eating fruit, making eggs, and transforming into a hot air balloon, ski, boat, ball, and steam boat. Not really a whole lot unique.

Our spirits consisted primarily of Hongo the Book Spirit, who was more of a story-based character, having trapped Yoshi's Island in a book because Bowser was rampaging, and the "Spirit who Loves Surprises," who hosted various minigames. From there, there was the Spirit of Cuteness, who wanted you to help trapped creatures called Egglings; the Spirit of Money/Greed, who told you to collect as many coins as possible; the Spirit of Power/Cruelty, who wanted you to take out all the enemies; the Spirit of Speed/Swiftness, who basically tasked you to a speed run; the Spirit of Kindness, who didn't want you to harm any enemies; and the Spirit of Fright/Scariness, who basically just hosted Haunted House levels.

Bowser appears as the main villain in the game, casting spells, breathing fire, and dropping minions in his boss battle, while the enemies working for him included Shy Guys, Piranha Plants, Tap Taps, Ravens, Goonies, Boos, Gusties, and little spiky bird things called Daruma otoshi-kun. Most of them act pretty much as they normally would.

Now, this game seems like it would be ripe for a gimmick rep, but honestly throughout most of the game, I didn't find really much anything that would lend itself to a Smash-style moveset. It would make for a sweet stage though.

Here's what we've got so far:

Mario: hold and switch around plates, pump switches, play with dough, super scope
Yoshi: hatch from egg, play with dough, throw egg, play Tetris Attack, drop blocks, run, jump
Peach: pump switches, eat enemies, make eggs, flutter jump
Bowser: pump switches, giant mech, stomp, throw shells, breathe fire, cast spells, drop enemies
Koopalings: mechs, pipes, throw bombs
Kamek: teleport, cast spells
Koopa: giant mech, wings
Goomba: wings
Piranha Plant
Boo: throw rocks
Wiggler: fly, Egg-odil partner
Shy Guy: fire guy, swing mace
Chargin' Chuck: jump and slam, throw rocks
Hongo the Book Spirit: best gimmick rep if I could figure it out

A stage based on the game, with switching platforms and falling eggs?
This probably helped inspire Cookie Land-type stages that came later, so . . . that?
A stage based on this game perhaps
A stage based on the game's gimmick for sure

Yoshi Eggs
Ball of Dough
Giant Balls

Thanks for reading! Next up, let's cover Yoshi: Touch 'n' Go!

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