Friday, May 31, 2019

Character Sheet: Donkey Kong (Arcade)


Now that we have all of the Arcade Donkey Kong/Mario titles under our belt, I think it's time we go through and evaluate every character we have picked so far as being playable.

This time we have six:

1. Mario
1e. Luigi
2. Donkey Kong
3. Donkey Kong Jr.
4. Stanley
5. Pauline

Today we will cover the big ape himself: Donkey Kong. Donkey Kong, like Mario before him, goes on to headline his own successful video game franchise, which will yield up far more iconic moves for the character than we have now, but for now, we will again build a character from what we have.

Donkey Kong will be a heavyweight power-hitter, just as he is presented in the games. He does come across as quite speedy in these games, so he will be quite fast as well. He has used punches, kicks, barrels and jacks, and vines throughout most of his moves, so most of his moveset will be based up that.

Here is the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Giant Punch
This one's just too iconic to ignore. Donkey Kong will hit his opponent with a giant punch, just like he does at the end of Donkey Kong Jr. This attack will send the opponent flying and can be charged up.

Side B: Barrel
For his side B, Donkey Kong will chuck a giant barrel at his opponents which will role across the stage and deal heavy damage to anyone in its wake. There is a small chance of his throwing out a jack which will dole out an instant K.O.

Up B: Vines
Twin vines will appear from nowhere allowing Donkey Kong to climb up them for a short period before losing his grip and falling. These are based on his appearance in Donkey Kong 3, and have decent recovery range.

Down B: Stomp
Donkey Kong will bound up and down on the ground, shaking everything, much as he does in the opening cutscene of the original Donkey Kong game. Characters will be launched if touching the ground.

Final Smash: Beehive
Donkey Kong knocks loose a hive of bees from Donkey Kong 3 which will swarm the stage angrily, dealing damage to every character they meet. Most will just rack up damage, except the queens which have a chance of a character.

Entrance: Donkey Kong breaks out of a cage.

Taunts: He will pound his chest for one.

Next up: We will cover his long-lost son, Donkey Kong Jr.

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