Saturday, April 6, 2019


Super Smash Bros. Universe
(Hypothetical Game)

Imagine, if you will, the inevitable future of the Super Smash Bros. franchise. Imagine a game set in a world where licensing, disc space, and any other boundaries to any characters are a non-issue and the only bar to inclusion is a character's capacity to be a viable fighter in a fighting game, and even any properties that yield no viable characters are at least represented by stages or assist trophies. Put that all together and you have a game that spans all franchises, all forms of media, and every character you could possibly imagine.

Through this blog, I will explore every avenue possible to develop this hypothetical game, examining every installment of every property in existence and more, determining what each character could bring to a fighting game, what moves could be derived from that specific installment, and whether certain characters could be truly viable as fighters, as well as determining what stages can be created and what items belong.

Join me on this adventure as we imagine what would be the greatest Super Smash Bros. game of all time!

Image obtained from Google Images

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