Thursday, October 17, 2024

Fara Phoenix

Like most popular Nintendo properties, Star Fox got itself a comic adaptation in the Nintendo Power magazine. This comic showed the Star Fox team’s adventures a few years after the events of the first game, including countering terrorist attacks, discovering a plot to resurrect Andross, and gaining a new teammate.

This is Fara Phoenix, the daughter of a wealthy Lylat system businessman and skilled pilot in her own right. Before Krystal, she was Fox’s main love interest, and even appeared in the cancelled Star Fox 2. Despite the name, she is an anthropomorphic fennec fox, not a phoenix.

As a fighter, she will be similar in nature to the other Star Fox team members, pulling from the exact same moveset, but with slight differences. For her, there will be multiple references to the comic in question.

Likelihood rating: Non-game (or . . . does she count as a game character? The comic came first, so . . . I don’t think so?)


The war being fought throughout the Lylat System was almost entirely instigated by a power-hungry mad scientist.

This is Andross, an anthropomorphic monkey and the main villain of the series. Several years prior to the series, he established a base on the nearly uninhabitable planet Venom, gaining the favor of the native species there and putting together an army. He often appears as a giant floating head in his boss battles, though I’ve personally never been quite clear whether it’s a very narcissistically designed spacecraft or he mutated himself into that.

As a fighter, he will be in his giant head form, shrunken down a bit for the stages. His moveset will pull from his boss battles, including the large panels of his SNES days and the grabby hands of later years.

Likelihood rating: Could happen.

Monarch Dodora


Throughout the game, Team Star Fox takes part in multiple space battles all throughout the galaxy, in space and in the air above various planets. Though most of their foes are various forms of enemy spacecraft, one mission on the dinosaur planet Fortuna brings them face to face with a two-headed dragon.

This dragon is named Monarch Dodora, and was bio-engineered by the villain Andross to follow his orders. Dodora would recur a few times throughout the series, always as a boss.

As a fighter, Dodora would be big and powerful with decent aerials, though sized down a bit to fit on the stage. Its moveset would pull from its various boss battles.

Likelihood rating: Never gonna happen.


In all of their battles, the Star Fox team favors a sleek triangular style of star fighter.

Their vehicle of choice is the Arwing, equipped with lasers and missiles, and capable of shifting around to turn into walkers, allowing the team to enter small tunnels and traverse the ground when needed.

As a fighter, the Arwing will switch regularly between flight and walker mode, using all of its core attacks as its moveset.

Likelihood rating: Probably not.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Slippy Toad

Last but not least, the fourth member of the original team is an anthropomorphic toad named Slippy.

Slippy is the youngest member of the team, and generally the least skilled as a pilot, often needing Fox or Falco to bail him out of trouble. He makes up for this by acting as the engineer and mechanic of the team, repairing their ships and whipping up new weapons for them.

As a fighter, Slippy will be small and quick, but with a lot less power behind his attacks than Fox and Falco. Like always, he will be fairly similar to his teammates, just with a bit more tech usage.

Likelihood rating: Strong.

Peppy Hare

Next up is the team’s mentor, an anthropomorphic hare named Peppy.

In early installments, Peppy had the vibe of an older brother to the group, until Star Fox 64 established him as a contemporary of Fox’s father, placing him in more of a sage fatherly role to the team, always giving the others advice on how best to tackle a situation. In later games, he’d retired from active duty, giving up his place on the team to Krystal.

As a fighter, Peppy would be slower, but still with a bit of agility owing to his nature as a hare. He will pull from the same pool as his teammates, but tailored more to a weathered veteran like him.

Likelihood rating: Strong.

Falco Lombardi

Fox’s first wingman (pun intended) is a hot-headed anthropomorphic falcon.

This is Falco Lombardi. On the team, he serves the role of “edgy guy who always has some comment about everything Fox does.” You know, the Raphael of the group.

As a fighter, Falco will be a little bit faster than Fox, with better aerials. Like in Smash, all members of Star Fox and Star Wolf will be semi-clones of each other, pulling from the same pool, but with slight adjustments based on who they are.

Likelihood rating: Already in.