Monday, October 14, 2024

Character Sheet: Goras


And now we come to the end of our characters, with only four left to add. They include:

1. Fara Phoenix

2. Katt Monroe

3. Captain Shears

4. Goras

Next up, we come to another recurring boss, a tentacled plant monster thing that lives in the deserts of Titania. It appears primarily in Star Fox 64 and its remake, with appearances in both the Lylat Wars and Farewell Beloved Falco comics.

Here's his moveset:

Standard B: Monster Breath

It will breathe out heavily damaging energy breath from its mouth.

Side B: Quick Strike

It will lash out in three consecutive strikes with its tentacles.

Up B: Tail Sweep

It will spin fast to sweep its tail, gaining a bit of lift in the process.

Down B: Slippy Shield

It will use Slippy's downed Arwing as a personal shield to block attacks.

Final Smash: Beneath the Sand

It will leap up and then burrow down under the stage. Its tentacles will burst up from the ground, grabbing players and pulling them under.

Entrance: It will burst up from sand.

Taunts: Up, it will flail its arms up in the air. Side, it will let out a loud roar. Down, it will nestle in the sand for a second.

Kirby Hat: The top of its head and a couple fake tentacles.

Kart: Buried beneath the track, with a Landmaster caught in its tentacles that its controlling up top.

Special Move: Grabbing another racer with a tentacle and pulling it under.

Spirit Battle: Giant battle on Titania.

Victory Screen: Grabbing all four Arwings and plunging back into the sand.

Losing Screen: Its death animation.

Color Swaps: Its normal green, a red variant, purple, black, blue, yellow, silver, and brown.

Thanks for reading! Now, let's complete our roster!

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Character Sheet: Captain Shears


And now we come to the end of our characters, with only four left to add. They include:

1. Fara Phoenix

2. Katt Monroe

3. Captain Shears

4. Goras

Captain Shears is a dog captain in the Cornerian military stationed on Titania. He hires the Star Fox crew, claiming his base to be under attack by terrorists, only for it to be revealed that he was cloning Andross, and the "terrorists" were trying to stop him. He uses the standard Cornerian firearms, but also rides a giant boar (which I misremembered as a horse in a previous blog) and wields a sword. He also has the Andross clone at his disposal.

Here's his moveset:

Standard B: Sword Strike

He will dash forward, slashing rapidly with his sword.

Side B: Boar

He will mount his boar and ride it as it charges forward.

Up B: Lift

He will use the lift from his base to move up and down.

Down B: Bonds

He will place shackles from when he took Slippy as a hostage to bind his opponents.

Final Smash: Andross Clone

His Andross clone will break free of its tube and slam down hard on the stage, crushing anyone beneath it.

Entrance: He will rise up on a lift.

Taunts: Up, he will stand tall and look proud. Side, he will perform a flourish with his sword. Down, he will pace back and forth.

Kirby Hat: His hat and shades.

Kart: His boar.

Special Move: Dropping his Andross clone onto the track behind him, where it will take up a lot of space.

Spirit Battle: With Andross, on Macbeth.

Victory Screen: Proclaiming the dawning of a new age ruled by Andross.

Losing Screen: Him being crushed by his own clone.

Color Swaps: A green uniform, a red one, blue, purple, black, white, gold, and black-and-white.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Goras emerges from the desert.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Character Sheet: Katt Monroe


And now we come to the end of our characters, with only four left to add. They include:

1. Fara Phoenix

2. Katt Monroe

3. Captain Shears

4. Goras

Katt is a recurring side character in the series, often as a semi-love interest for Falco, where she'll actively flirt with him and he'll seem generally annoyed by her, but will also reciprocate on occasion. She plays a large part in the Farewell, Beloved Falco! comic, which gave her enough reason to be included here, slightly off from Falco's moveset.

Here's her moveset:

Standard B: Blaster

This would be the blasters she and her team used in the comic.

Side B: Cat Claw

Much like Wolf, she'll add a slash attack into the mix. She'll also have one of the highest speeds for the move.

Up B: Flaming Tiger

Same as some of the others we've seen.

Down B: Reflector

She will keep the hacky-sack aspect of this move that Falco incorporates. I like to think one of the two picked it up from the other.

Final Smash: Team Free-as-a-Bird

Her team from the comic will fly in with their ship and give her backup. Team Star Falco is also an option.

Entrance: Dropping out of her ship.

Taunts: Up, she will toss her gun in the air like Falco. Side, she will cross her arms and look a little flirty. Down, she will tense up and hiss.

Kirby Hat: Her ears.

Kart: Her ship.

Special Move: Kicking out the reflector to hit another player.

Spirit Battle: With Falco on Sector Z.

Victory Screen: "Hurry back, Falco. I'll be waiting."

Losing Screen: "I've got to pull out. Sorry."

Color Swaps: Her normal pink look from most games, her Siamese cat design from Command, her comic appearance, her teammates from the comic, and a costume based on Falco.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Captain Shears rides to glory.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Character Sheet: Fara Phoenix


And now we come to the end of our characters, with only four left to add. They include:

1. Fara Phoenix

2. Katt Monroe

3. Captain Shears

4. Goras

Starting with Fara Phoenix, she is a character from the Nintendo Power run of Star Fox comics who appears in some versions of Star Fox 2. She is a fox, like Fox, and is the daughter of a wealthy magnate who joins the Star Fox team due to her flying prowess. She is a "proto-Krystal" of sorts. She will be like the other members of Star Fox, with a similar moveset slightly altered to fit her more.

Here's her moveset:

Standard B: Blaster

Same as the others, except hers has the comic effects to its hits and explosions.

Side B: Vixen Sweep

It will be similar to the Fox Illusion, but she'll do a bit of a flip to get under and come back up behind her opponent, striking them in the back as she does so.

Up B: Phoenix Flame

She will blast upward like Fox and the others, except her flames will take on a phoenix shape.

Down B: Mud Bath Lid

This is based on the comic, when Fara ends up being saved in an early chapter by a lid suddenly popping off a mud bath and squashing her enemy.

Final Smash: Team Star Fox

This will be the comic version of this team, with Fara flying with them.

Entrance: Dropping out of her Arwing.

Taunts: Up, she will pose confidently. Side, she will swirl, showing off a dress. Down, she will spin her blaster.

Kirby Hat: Her ears and head-piece thing.

Kart: Her Arwing.

Special Move: Dropping a large lid on top of anyone behind her.

Spirit Battle: With Fox on Papetoon.

Victory Screen: Stepping out of her ship and asking "How was that?"

Losing Screen: Her ship crashing to the ground with smoke trailing.

Color Swaps: Her Star Fox uniform, her dress from the beginning, Fox's mother's dress, a black-and-white version of her, different colors for all four.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Katt Monroe is waiting for you!

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

All Other Star Fox Media


Next, let's finish everything out that's left. First, we have the Star Fox Mission File Printout, which is just kind of a comic-style guide, followed by guides run for various games in Nintendo Power, and a special one for Star Fox Zero. Then we have "Star Fox: The Battle Begins," a short animated video created for Zero that you can find on YouTube. Finally, we have at least six major music albums that have been released since. Then there's lots of merchandise like a promo tape and a Star Fox team badge and amiibo and the Starlink toys and so on and so forth. Not as much as other series we've covered, but it's there.

Here's what we've got so far:


Fara Phoenix: Same as the other Star Fox pilots' treatment, but with specific adjustments based on the comic.

Katt Monroe: Same as above

Katt's team

Captain Shears: horse, saber, lasers, cloning, etc.






Thanks for reading! Next up, basically everything else!

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Star Fox: Farewell, Beloved Falco


Next up, we have a short comic that basically tells you why Falco wasn't in Star Fox Adventures until the ending. After seven years of peace, the Star Fox team find themselves fighting amongst each other out of boredom and lack of work, leading to Falco taking some time away. He picks up a job with Katt Monroe and a new team, rekindling things with her a bit. Meanwhile, Fox, Slippy, and Peppy get called to a mission on Titania, where they are assigned to protect a base there from a band of rebels. These rebels turn out to be Katt's gang, and you learn that the base's captain, Captain Shears, is a traitor who has been using the base to clone Andross. In the end, Falco decides he needs time to find himself and so leaves the team. Katt is seen fighting and being a major player outside of her ship, meaning we can do like Fara Phoenix and maybe give her a few specific things from this comic. She also has a team, including a fellow cat she might have a thing for, none of whom have names but might be represented somehow. Captain Shears is quite active in the final battle, using future tech and weaponry while also riding a horse and wielding a sword. Goras also appears in a major battle in the middle.

Here's what we've got:


Fara Phoenix: Same as the other Star Fox pilots' treatment, but with specific adjustments based on the comic.

Katt Monroe: Same as above

Katt's team

Captain Shears: horse, saber, lasers, cloning, etc.






Thanks for reading! Next up, basically everything else!

Monday, October 7, 2024

Lylat Wars


Next up is Lylat Wars, which is mostly just an adaptation of Star Fox 64. There are a few notable things about it, such as some solid character development for Wolf O'Donnell as a character, being the first to establish him as more of an antihero than a villain, a trend that would continue through Assault and Command. Also, I think Pigma gets vaporized in this, so . . . that's a change. Ultimately though, there's not much else to talk about.

Here's what we've got so far:


Fara Phoenix: Same as the other Star Fox pilots' treatment, but with specific adjustments based on the comic.




Thanks for reading! Next up, a comic that explains what happened to Falco for most of Star Fox Adventures!